Having evacuated to Austin, Texas, due to Hurricane Ida, I hope and pray for those left in New Orleans and all who fell in Ida’s destructive path. I’ve been writing about ecological harmony for years, and it upon us as a global phenomenon. In “The Wall Street Journal” dated September 3, 2021, Senator Joe Manchin,…
Read MoreSixteen years ago, Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. Hopefully and prayfully, such will not be the case with Ida, and it seems that to be the case now. I do not understand God, nor do I think anyone else does either. I have been brought up as a Presbyterian and my faith goes back to…
Read MoreThe $3.5-honestly scored-$5+ TRILLION bill must be killed BEFORE Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and UNKNOWNS apply the sticks and carrots one by one to Democrats. This legislation is hyper-inflationary, anti-work, and will destroy a stable, proven, tax system. It’s another HUGE negative like Afghanistan and our Southern border. Sensible funding of climate change research is…
Read MoreI know that a hurricane is approaching and I’m prepared for it. The imposter Biden ignored one of the elementary rules in military actions; that the use of overwhelming force reduces casualties. “The Wall Street Journal” dated August 27, 2021, has an Opinion piece entitled “The Kabul Airport Massacre.” We had 12 American service deaths…
Read MoreAmerica is at a tipping point. Democrats must be attacked and defeated with help from sensible Democrats as follows: >The 3.5, honestly scored 5+ Trillion bill must NOT become law because it is hyper-inflationary, anti-work, and spoils a stable, proven tax system. >Our Southern border must be controlled, especially after the Afghan debacle. >Americans and…
Read More“The Wall Street Journal” dated August 25, 2021, has a gripping, compelling, timely opinion piece; “Help Afghan Refugees and They’ll Help America.” It’s so evident how immigrants from Nazism were essential in developing the atomic bomb which vastly lowered deaths of Americans and Japanese. Cuban, Hungarian, Iranian, Vietnamese, Cambodian refugees “…have transformed themselves from desperate…
Read MoreIn my fifth deep study of Mr. Bill Gate’s extraordinary book; “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” one thing becomes loud and clear-awesome, extensive, and breakthrough research is needed NOW. Let’s DO it in America. We can become globally recognized for our INNOVATION toward zero net greenhouse gases by 2050! We can and must innovate,…
Read MoreAlmighty God grants us the gift of life. Since the dawn of humankind, we have been the children of God. Our time is our gift, and to use it for good is all-important. The equally essential goal is to seek wisdom from birth in order to discern what is “good.”
Read MoreFraudulent elections have dire consequences; as in China idiot Joe Biden’s Afghanistan debacle! Anyone in the past who considered the Democrats to be a “kind” Party should take notice. Afghanistan and our Southern border are undermining America’s present and future-in foreign AND domestic actions, abject FAILURES! In “The Wall Street Journal” dtd, August 16, 2021,…
Read More(Present tense from yesterday) I am at the second most popular museum in America-before China Virus. As I await the 11:00 AM showing of “Beyond All Boundaries,” a 4D presentation narrated by Mr. Tom Hanks; I contemplate freedom, a prize America must NEVER lose. Loss from within and without NOW threaten our very democracy and…
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