The plants look even more luscious than ever.
In this restaurant, long, long ago; I proposed and became engaged, and soon thereafter our small wedding party celebrated. There were four of us, the minimum legally allowed.
It was a joyous occasion which was later followed by my carrying the bride over the threshold at the Cornstalk Hotel, long, long ago, with echo to last a lifetime.
I have a replacement music system at home and it keeps repeating Barbara Streisand’s song, one of which, Memories, actually brought me to tears. And, as an adult, that is a very, very, very rare event.
But, I am an optimist at heart and a friend recently told me that I “am an incurable romantic.” I will have to be honest though, my best quality or fault. I am quite adroit at trying to hide my heart.
Despite all my life’s travails, I sincerely believe that, the best is yet to come; for myself personally and for America, the beautiful.
The American people certainly don’t want their future to be long, long ago.
Let’s show our heart as to our patriotism and display the stars and stripes or some other worthy symbol, NON-VIOLENTLY!