After watching my video and reading my Blog Article below, please follow these two links that inspired my video and “The Freedom Ballot” Article:
Dear God,
Guide Americans to vote for freedom.
Let me introduce myself. Perhaps the highest compliment in my 74-year life came during a divorce discussion with my second then-wife. Her comment was, “At least you’re honest.” I have never committed adultery during either of my marriages, so that was not the issue. However, it did point to a quality which I have tried earnestly to cultivate all my life along with wisdom.
I believe, if you make it a point to be honest with yourself and others, that over time your judgment improves and is a key component of wisdom.
My seventh book, which I call my Mona Lisa work, is summarized below to illustrate vividly that I am not a right-wing idealogue, but instead seek to be a pathfinder.
The book is Wisdom for Heaven on Earth. Very briefly, a key chapter titled “The Centrality of Wisdom” was written by the late Copthorne Macdonald. Values from that essay are later explained by me and appear throughout the book. They are as follows:
Positive Wisdom-Associated Values
- Empathy
- Truth
- Honesty
- Justice
- Cooperation
- Peace
- Compassion
- Universal Well-Being
- Creativity
- Comprehensive Knowledge
Negative Human Values
- Selfishness
- Greed
- Envy
- Hate
- Revenge
Throughout the book, I implore readers to strive for the wisdom-associated values. In my opinion the leaders of the Democratic Party all too often stress in dishonest ways two Negative Human Values: envy and hate, especially over the last four years related to regard President Trump.
Key chapters in the book are “Internalized Stigma,” which is present in many people in today’s society, and “Hope, Faith, Resilience and Love.”
Then there are chapters describing ten elements or goals which I believe, as Copthorne Macdonald did, are the keys to achieving Heaven on Earth:
- Peace and Security
- Freedom
- Democracies
- Prosperity
- Gender Harmony
- Racial Harmony
- Spiritual Harmony
- Ecological Harmony
- Health
- Moral Purpose and Meaning
I pray for these ten elements each day as I pray for the American people. I also pray for people around the world, governments around the world, and God’s help and love for us to achieve these goals.
If I were developing a political platform for America, I would certainly include all ten elements. Significantly, freedom and prosperity are two of the elements.
A central point in the coming election is prosperity. I deeply believe that free enterprise is the engine of prosperity. Later, I’ll detail my strong academic and CPA career, reading and writing efforts spanning over 50 years which brought me to that definite free enterprise concept. To the contrary, in my opinion, the Democratic Party is now lost in espousing socialism, a system that has failed repeatedly. It is also, as practiced, a top-down repressive and authoritarian approach.
Communist China is a one-party socialist nation. So is Cuba, which I have visited about ten times on church trips where I saw the impoverished people up close, not just the country’s elite. (There are over 160 billionaires in Communist China.) In Cuba, I have heard a sermon that stated that fathers either turned a blind eye or encouraged their children to go to hotels and prostitute themselves. I also dined in a church in Cuba with an orthopedic surgeon who said he worked in a hotel giving massages. He said he would rather practice his profession, but it just didn’t pay. In socialism, as practiced, it is a top-down approach.
Yes, freedom is on the ballot. Free enterprise versus socialism.
In research I found a speech by a person I highly respect, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He graduated first at West Point, edited the Law Review at Harvard Law School, served during the Cold War, and had a stunningly successful business career. He served on the House Intelligence Committee, and was the head of the CIA.
In his speech, Secretary Pompeo stated that, “China sent propagandists into our press conferences, our research centers, our high schools, our colleges, and even into our PTA meetings.”
For years, I thought that the socialist ideology came from liberal schools and colleges and was passed on to the mainstream media – and I still think politics in our classrooms is a huge problem. In blunt terms I call it the “brainwashing” of our young.
But very recently I came across a key that I was unaware of previously. I expect most Americans don’t know these facts. First, I want to briefly give my financial background to evaluate the first glimpse into this extremely pertinent issue.
I received a BBA with a major in Accounting (first in my class), Master of Accountancy, was president of Beta Alpha Psi, the accounting honor society, and passed my CPA on the first try.
I’ve had a 29+ year career in the public and private sectors, as well as the federal government. I’ve been an investor since 1963, and helped my father invest in AFLAC which earned a fortune. I inherited in 2002 and have been a significant investor since then.
Now, I would like to show you why all that academic accounting, auditing, and investment experience is so relevant.
I found an article in The Federalist titled “A Rundown of Major U.S. Corporate Media’s Business Ties to China” by Chrissy Clark. I will not go into the financial details of that explicit article, but I read it closely. To be honest, I was simply overwhelmed by what I learned, especially with my extensive financial background as stated above. One important aspect of a cultivated wisdom is the ability to isolate the most significant facts at hand. As Copthorne Macdonald stated, “Wisdom is not about facts per se, it is about the meaning of facts. It is about the significance of facts and their implications.”
In my opinion, the facts disclosed in this article lead me to the conclusion that the mainstream media has been and is being extremely influenced by the Chinese Communist Party. The article explains the financial connections to the following media: The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and Bloomberg.
I believe the financial connections of these media sources greatly influence the hiring and firing of management, staff, and content producers!
Let me quote from “Western Media Falls Into China’s Propaganda Trap” by Helle C. Dale, Senior Fellow for Public Diplomacy from April 1, 2020:
“Even in this time of national crises, sheer hatred for the president causes many in the mainstream media to interpret his every action and statement as unacceptable.
“On top of that Beijing for years has been constructing the grid for information warfare against the United States, which it now is deploying full force.
“This combination has produced a shameful capitulation by the media establishment to China’s communist authoritarian regime. Day after day, media pundits blast and malign Trump.
“The same media that continuously piles on Trump fails almost entirely to shine a critical light on the actions of the Chinese government.”
In my opinion, the fact that the China Virus has devastated America, the media reaction is directly related to hiring and firing at the media outlets dictated by financial ties to the Chinese Communist Party. In other words, people are hired at all levels based on how they fit the Chinese Communist Party’s line.
Helle C. Dale concludes: “What is harder to comprehend is the readiness of the mainstream media to give Beijing a pass – all the while showing irrational disdain for the heroic efforts of America’s President and his administration.”
In my opinion, the financial ties of the mainstream media results in hiring those with this “irrational disdain.” Unfortunately, if you tell the “big lie” of Trump’s failure in the handling of the China Virus often enough, and it’s echoed by the Democratic Party over and over, there are many believers. Personally, I believe President Trump, Vice President Pence, the whole administration, and private industry as helped by President Trump have done an outstanding job with a once-in-a-lifetime challenge to America’s health and economy.
One key fact when evaluating the handling of the China Virus is that the United States of America operates under a federalist constitution. While the Trump administration provided extensive materials, guidance, and data to the states, the details of handling the pandemic were left to be decided at the state level. This approach was not only appropriate as there have been significant differences in states and local China Virus challenges, but also legally we do not have an authoritative top-down style government.
In that regard, I would venture to state that blue (Democratic) states were more authoritative in handling the pandemic and less successful if one considers both health and economic factors.
Now let’s review the riots which in the mainstream media were called “mostly peaceful protests” in some accounts. Black Lives Matter was heavily involved in these well-funded protests which disintegrated into looting, arson, violence, destruction of statues, and very unsafe cities. The characteristic which was most damning to Democrats was that these riots took place in cities and states that they controlled! A ridiculous “Defund the Police” movement was in fact partially implemented – the exact opposite of reality. Crime and violence escalated as many police retired, quit, or were thoroughly demoralized by Democrat governors, mayors, and other elected officials who didn’t support them. Many police unions have endorsed President Trump as China Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were mostly silent, totally during the democratic convention.
Antifa was also heavily involved in some of the most mean and violent acts during this period. In the presidential debate, China Joe Biden called Antifa “an idea.” President Trump’s immediate reaction was, “You’ve got to be kidding!” President Trump repeatedly offered to provide federal assistance, and when allowed into states and cities, results were obtained.
As violence escalated in many of these Democratic cities, Black on Black crime (always far above police misconduct) was addressed with a federal operation called Legend, named for a child who was murdered, which involved working with local police to apprehend violent criminals.
As a consequence of the loss of lives and livelihoods, something like 80% of the people in the areas affected did not want the reduction of police. In my opinion, President Trump is the law and order candidate on the ballot, a condition that is vital to a robust, stable, prosperous democracy.
Now let’s discuss racism. In my book I have an entire chapter about racial harmony in which I deeply believe. We are all children of God and are more alike than we are different. In my opinion, President Trump is not racist. Hershel Walker and Leo Terrell and other Blacks readily testify to that, although that same discredited mainstream media and the Biden/Harris campaign repeat the lie that he is racist. The accomplishments of the president that directly benefited Blacks include: long-term funding of historically Black colleges, prison reform which resulted in the freeing of many Blacks incarcerated for non-violent offences, opportunity zones which will be expanded upon his reelection (especially if Republicans gain a majority in the House and Senate.) A big issue for Blacks and Hispanics is school choice, the civil rights issue of our time, which is supported by President Trump and Republicans.
A fact that is hidden is that China Joe Biden is a racist. He has had deep ties with segregationists and helped pass legislation that resulted in prison for a large number of Blacks. While probably not reported by the mainstream media, he currently makes comment after comment of a racist nature. Also, Kamala Harris has a record of sending many Blacks to prison.
I describe President Trump in many ways. In my opinion, he is extremely sharp, superbly intelligent, vigorous and energetic, hard-working with the accomplishments to show for it, and amazingly resilient despite continuous attacks from the Democrats and mainstream media.
A huge characteristic of President Trump is his highly successful business career. Also, the president and republicans ignited an economic boom with historic lows in Black and Hispanic unemployment. Women and low-income workers also saw wage increases. This was done by cutting taxes with tax reform and lowering regulations, quite similar to what President Reagan did. Reagan’s acts resulted in about 25 years of American prosperity. This hugely successful economy was interrupted by the China Virus. I really wonder whether it was intentional.
On the other hand, China Joe Biden has no business experience and has been in the D.C. swamp for 47 years. The Obama/Biden administration presided over the weakest recovery since the Great Depression, and they doubled the American national debt while having a very anemic overall economy. A huge number of manufacturing jobs were lost during this 8-year period to China and elsewhere. I attribute this to the total lack of business background for both President Obama and Vice President Biden.
But China Joe Biden took full advantage of his position in terms of corruption. According to the book Liberal Privilege, “At least four members of the Biden clan have raked in rewards. Hunter, of course; Joe’s brothers James and Frank; Joe’s sister Valerie.” Through influence-peddling his son Hunter Biden obtained $1.5 billion for a fund through Communist China, a $3.5 million wire transfer from the wife of a former mayor of Moscow, an extremely lucrative board position with a corrupt Ukraine gas company, Bursima, which was under investigation. According to Sean Hannity in Live Free or Die, Hunter Biden was paid up to $50k per month for his non-expertise. Devon Archer, his business partner, was also named to the board. According to one report, Bursima paid a total of $3.4 million to Biden and Archer’s firm over eighteen months.
In December of 2015, China Joe Biden went to Ukraine and demanded the government fire the very prosecutor who was investigating Bursima, threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees to Ukraine unless that firing happened. In January 2018 he bragged, “I looked at them and said I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch, he got fired.” And China Joe Biden is supposed to be “decent.”
A major damning aspect of China Joe Biden’s economic future is a huge takeover by socialism. He says himself that he will raise taxes which would bring disaster before America works its way out of the China Virus’s economic consequences. I predict that it would be a catastrophe for the stock market and so many Americans depend on their 401k for retirement. Details of the totally unworkable Biden/Harris economic “plan” are on their website.
Another key issue is that neither China Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris will state that they will not expand the supreme court. If they did do that, liberals with life appointments could and would destroy our constitution and bill of rights. That’s part and parcel of socialism, the power of top-down government versus the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
President Trump’s heroic China Virus acts and whole first term have been totally distorted by a mainstream media which has deep financial ties to the Chinese Communist Party. And the Democratic Party also maintains constant criticism. He understands the American economy with his in-depth business experience and initial igniting of an economic boom. He and Republicans will do it again. They will stand for law and order, safety, jobs, school choice, peace, and much more!
China Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have not in fact been good for Blacks. China Joe Biden is tied to teacher unions and puts them ahead of students and parents. This is a matter of economic collapse due to their lack of business experience and a heavy socialist platform. Both China Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will simply not deny packing the supreme court.
This really is the Freedom Ballot.
In Christ’s name, Amen.
Also, please peruse my youtube channel:
John E. Wade II Youtube Channel