I deeply believe that we ought to be kind to ourselves, others, and Almighty God. Prayer certainly helps me and can have propitious results. Did you know that (genetically and otherwise), we are more alike than we are different? Even males and females match about 99.7 percent genetically! Additionally, (genetically speaking), there is more variation…
Read MoreIn my opinion, a person can be a genius as to algorithms and yet NOT be WISE at all. Stars and Stripes, Forever!
Read MoreThe $3.5 Trillion bill (honestly scored $5 Trillion+), (which I call the MONSTER) now in the House is ridiculous in many, many, many ways. One of those huge dangers is the planned addition of 87,000 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents to supposedly collect an additional $787 Billion from American citizens. In my opinion, these “agents”…
Read MoreNancy Pelosi pledged to bring up the truly bi-partisan $1 trillion (ten year) infrastructure bill by September 27, 2021, (Monday). Now she is saying, “this week.” In my opinion, Nancy Pelosi is corrupt and highly dictatorial. In other words, she just can’t be trusted. Period. Period. Period. (She lies about many, many, many things and…
Read MoreIn my opinion, the latest Democratic voting bill is an open admission that Democrats fully intend to re-enact the election/voter fraud of November 3, 2020 and thereafter. “The Wall Street Journal,” (dated September 22, 2021), states ; “Democrats started with a bad voting bill that was gigantic, and they’ve whittled it into a bad voting…
Read MoreThe Monster $3.5 Trillion (honestly scored $5+ Trillion) bill is far, far, far, too big. It is simply NOT affordable, except for AOC & Nancy & Chuck & the imposter. Why? It destroys the Tax system that was working so well for blacks, browns, Asians, women, and all Americans. The rich will avoid the taxes…
Read MoreDear God, Allow wisdom to prevail in America; meaning WITH election integrity and the bipartisan infrastructure bill, and without that ridiculous, overly rushed Nancy/AOC/Chuck Monster bill. All hands on deck; Send letters, e-mails, phone calls, personal visits, etc. (especially to Democrats). Be courteous, civil, yet forceful. Please do NOT curse or threaten physical violence. NON-VIOLENTLY!
Read MoreNo human on earth today had perfect parents. This is an enduring TRUTH that ALL should come to realize. A good part of the future is that I believe that ALL will come to recognize this FACT. Forgiveness is another piece of each of us and all of us that must accompany this TRUTH. We…
Read MoreFrom the border to Afghanistan to the massive election/voter frauds, the list gets longer and longer. Never in my lifetime have I not really known who is in charge of America! ELECTION INTEGRITY is urgently needed. Go after city, state, and federal “elected” officials, especially Democrats. Use letters, e-mails, phone calls, personal visits, American “can-do”…
Read MoreWithout deep election reform, we will lose our American Republic. Are Americans deserving of our freedoms, free enterprise, and prosperity? Lets prove it by our ACTION! Bombard city, state, and federal officeholders with letters, e-mails, phone calls, personal visits, etc. Act civilly, courteously, and without cursing or physical threats. NON-VIOLENTLY!
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