I was coming out of a state of deep sleep. My left arm was temporarily paralyzed (It fell to sleep temporarily because I sleep on my stomach and had my left arm under the pillow as I became conscious).
I had a thought, not a dream, a very human thought.
What if each of us and all of us said and did the right things as we know them in our own mind, body, and “little piece of God”?
Imagine what America and the world would be like! Go tell on the mountain, hills, and valleys, throughout America, the beautiful, and all our God-given lives and planet!
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…
Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!
Love to within, Love to without, Love to ABOVE!
P.S. And thank you, Dear God, for Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., a truly great genius, non-violent hero to America and the world (He won the Nobel Peace Prize along with a non-violent transition in America from a former state of Jim Crow to much greater freedom for RACIAL HARMONY, A GIANT hero to AMERICA!