Last night I attended a performance of our Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra. Oddly enough, part of the presentation was verbal with a Black lady reciting a “poet” as the music played intermittently. Her words invoked the plight of the slaves.

At intermission, I chose to leave, partly to keep it from being too late a night.

As I waited in the Orpheum lobby for my United Cab, I casually encountered several of the staff, the performer who did the verbal part, and a security guard.

As I waited, I quietly went around the area and told just about everyone who was there the following:

I care. I care about the children who are NOT being educated. I care about the neighborhoods that are NOT safe. I told some that I’m NOT responsible for what happened hundreds of years ago.

Lastly, I told the security guard the same statements and that we have a fraudulent government.

When I arrived home, I observed Rep. Kevin McCarthy on television giving a long, impassioned speech on the House floor against what I call the Monster bill – a bundle of Marxist social programs, a call for a huge increase in IRS agents which in my opinion would amount to political thugs (and would harass income levels down to $75,000 according to Rep. McCarthy), destruction of the Trump/Republican tax system that worked so well for Blacks, Browns, Asians, Women, and virtually all Americans, a huge dose of hyperinflation like the 1970s, (and a multitude of other mistakes).

Stop this bill, Republicans and thoughtful Democrats, NOW!

Ultimately, our American Republic is in dire need of a broad 50-state ELECTION INTEGRITY drive for transparent, honest, fair, and legal assurances that each legal vote is handled throughout from ballot to final count as securely as our credit/debit cards.

Rise up, Americans, Always NON-VIOLENTLY!

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