At this very moment, America’s strength is not in our government, federal, blue states, and cities, or, quite sadly in much of its media, big tech, and such.
Our greatest resilience is in the American people, perhaps as it always has been throughout our storied Republic’s history. Thank God!
I am an optimist deep down and I believe our American patriots will innovate our way out of the terrible mess we are in. Yes, I believe we can and we must. And we can’t be too patient.
We must replace the hate in our wonderful country with love!
Love to within, love to without, as we engender our faith in love from above.
All of us must regain our sense of childhood wonder.
Let’s come together as genuine lovers of America, the beautiful.
We must be kind to ourselves, our fellow Americans, our families, students, teachers, doctors, nurses, clerks, our children, our grandchildren, our parents, our grandparents… what am I trying so very hard to convey?
We Americans have a deep need to be empathetic or compassionate within ourselves and with others.
I say again, patience in America is not a virtue or we are in grave danger of losing our Republic and all that it has provided for the Americans and humankind.
America is not perfect, but we have had our freedoms.
Let’s display stars and stripes as we NON-VIOLENTLY proclaim our freedom, our deep patriotism and pride of our American history!