Mr. Bill Gates must be alarmed as I am at the actions now taking place averse to his book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” an outstanding, straightforward, honest, business-like path for America and the World.
Let me quote part of the “Wall Street Journal,” “The Real Infrastructure Problem” Review and Outlook, “The Energy Information Administration says 2021 could set a record for the most nuclear retirements. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (a Democrat) ordered the Indian Points nuclear plant, which has historically provided a quarter of the power to New York City and Westchester, to shut down last month. So now fossil fuels – namely natural gas – will make up 93% of downstate New York’s electric capacity.”
Mr. Gates has a worthy goal with which I agree.
As he explains, “fifty-one billion is how many tons of greenhouse gases the world typically adds to the atmosphere every year.” Zero additions is what he and I would aim for by 2050. Not immediately, but in careful, practical, prudent, businesslike ways, America should lead the way – both in research and all its actions.
Governor Cuomo’s actions as well as the “President’s” total lack of businesslike, practical, wise leadership as to ecological harmony is sad, sad, sad.
“The Wall Street Journal” rightly pointed out the gaping holes in our energy grid’s cyber security.
What a mess!
Gov. Cuomo is moving toward fossil fuels. Natural gas is far cleaner than coal. However, nuclear energy has zero greenhouse emissions.
Nuclear power has been a media casualty despite its outstanding performance in France and South Korea.
The Democrats are on the verge of wasting and diverting huge sums of taxpayers’ money in the name of ecological harmony. Far, far, far too much of current Democrat proposed spending will be squandered like the Obama/Biden “Solyndra scandal.” Even Mr. Gates points to that danger on page 201 of his authoritative book.
Yes, America has problems galore in ecological harmony, cyberspace, our southern border, and in so many other areas with “President” China Joe Biden, “Vice President” Harris, and Xi+ to “guide” us.
Stay tuned as Republicans and I attempt to adroitly lead America out of this outrageous, fraudulent, shameful, dreadful, dire mess.
Let’s rally with a proud, NON-VIOLENT display of the stars and stripes, one by one by one. As President John F Kennedy states (prior to the downfall of the Democratic Party.) “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.”
Let’s have NON-VIOLENT stars and stripes! I’ve started saluting each American flag I see, join me!
More to come…