The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
by Senator Barrack Obama
Review by John E. Wade II
Part II
The choice now before the American people is between President Obama—who lacks academic, serious business experience, and success with our nation’s economy—and Governor Romney. The governor earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature at Brigham Young University and went on to become the “elite of the elite” with a law degree with honors and an MBA as a Baker Scholar (denoting the top five percent of his class) from Harvard University.
Governor Romney worked eight years as a valued management consultant, and about fifteen years as a co-founder and head of Bain Capital, where he invested in about one hundred corporations, saved dozens of companies, and created or preserved thousands of jobs. He couldn’t save them all, but when one invests in troubled companies and start-ups, one can’t expect that kind of success. The important thing to discern from that success is that he knows business and investment in depth—how jobs are created and why they are lost.
He also saved his sister corporation, Bain and Company, when it nearly folded. Then he saved the 2002 Winter Olympics from scandal and money problems.
Romney went on to serve as governor of Massachusetts. When he assumed office, he faced a deficit of $650 million with a projected $2 – $3 billion loss the following year in a $23 billion budget. Through superb fiscal management—the kind we desperately need now in Washington—he brought about a balanced budget. He also passed the nation’s first health care legislation, one that was suited for the low proportion of Massachusetts citizens not previously covered. Through that experience he can help repeal and replace Obamacare.
One other serious issue is Afghanistan where our troops are still in harm’s way. President Obama foolishly announced dates of withdrawal, subjecting our soldiers to “friendly” fire from Afghanistan trainees who don’t want to be considered collaborators after we leave. In my opinion, Governor Romney will find a sensible, workable solution to this politically motivated decision by President Obama.
Much of what President Obama wrote in his book is non-controversial and appealing to all, including Governor Romney, such as racial equality, better educational systems for all, and an improved health care delivery system. While I’m sure that the two candidates will differ on specifics in many of the areas addressed in the book, the purpose and appeal to the reader is to show the former senator’s empathy with the electorate, not necessarily the presentation of extensive policies of how things would be accomplished. This is unlike Governor Romney’s book, No Apologies, which presents a great number of policy statements and views.
National security and the economy are influenced by the federal government and are the two key areas facing the next president. We have a choice between the leadership of Governor Romney, Congressman Ryan, and a host of Republicans at all levels to turn around our country fiscally, educationally, and with growth creating and sustaining jobs, as did President Reagan, or continuing on the downward path led by President Obama.