Recently I observed a Mary Landrieu commercial that invoked the “folk hero” mentality of the democrats–emotional, antidotal appeals that lack substance. Dr. Bill Cassidy has real and demonstrated feelings for Louisianans in his practice as a physician and his public service. In fact, he still sees patients. Mary Landrieu has voted with President Obama 97…
Read MoreOur founders were quite wise. They foresaw that someday someone – like President Obama – would try to dominate in an unwise and incompetent manner. So, they established the Presidency and the Executive Branch of Government, the Legislative branch with the Senate and House and the judicial branch. These checks and balances have worked quite…
Read MoreAmerica and all nations need capable, wise, and honest leaders. The citizens of democracies must learn to perceive such leaders—not through low information, emotional, one-issue campaigns, but rather by being astute, educated, and informed. It’s very important to see through a candidate’s misleading statements, or their outright lies, such as President Obama has purveyed from…
Read MoreAll nations need capable, wise, and honest leaders. In democracies, the citizens elect these people. So, the electorate has a need to embody those same qualities to some extent – being capable, wise, and honest voters. What is a wise and honest voter? It is one who isn’t selfish, envious, greedy, hateful, or revengeful. We…
Read MoreI just saw “America” as it opened in New Orleans. I plan to see it again and perhaps a number of times. DeSouza does a wonderful job of laying out the myths of the liberal history of America. That is something that needs to be done – so, please see the movie yourself before it…
Read MoreI am an optimist at heart. Otherwise, how else could I try to see the path toward Heaven on Earth–and do so persistently since year 2000? But our nation is in jeopardy with a president who doesn’t embody the traits of a capable, wise, and honest leader. And right now the Democrats in the Senate make up…
Read MoreI have been following the many elections across the globe. The more I think about India’s election, the more I like it. As Prime Minister, Modi can and I think will, become a great leader, not only in India, but eventually with great respect globally. The elections in the Ukraine are encouraging, too; the election…
Read MoreVery recently I attended the opening of the Jefferson Parish senate campaign office of Congressman Bill Cassidy, M.D. This is the second time I’ve seen and heard Dr. Cassidy, and I have been thoroughly impressed both times.Bill Cassidy is tall and slender and quite attractive. His wife is poised, charming, slender and a physician too. …
Read MoreThe Wall Street Journal reports on its Opinion Review and Outlook the following: “The IRS–remember those jaunty folks?–announced Friday [June 14, 2014] that it can’t find two years of emails from Lois Lerner to the Departments of Justice or Treasury. And none to the White House or Democrats on Capitol Hill. An agency spokesman blames a…
Read MoreOn May 25, 2011, The Wall Street Journal reported on its Opinion page about a speech that the highly respected and departing Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, made about Iraq. Here is the final paragraph concerning Mr. Gates remarks:“Lo and behold, Mr. Gates is saying that Iraq is that model, and that even the Obama Administration now…
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