America and all nations need capable, wise, and honest leaders. The citizens of democracies must learn to perceive such leaders—not through low information, emotional, one-issue campaigns, but rather by being astute, educated, and informed.
It’s very important to see through a candidate’s misleading statements, or their outright lies, such as President Obama has purveyed from the beginning. We don’t want “change” and “forward” into scandals unreported by the mainstream press. We don’t like laws like Obamacare promulgated by two-faced Senators like Mary Landrieu, a deep liberal in Washington, D. C., and another person back in Louisiana. She’s out of touch with the people of Louisiana and she must be defeated by Bill Cassidy, M. D., who I believe is far more reliable.
We must take back our nation from these liberals – far left liberals no matter whether they call themselves “progressives” or tell us we can “keep our doctor;” say IRS emails were lost; bring chaos to our borders, harm our veterans, have accumulated phone records on everyone in America and on and on.
President Obama is intentionally harming our nation and we must retake the Senate, maintain the House and hold the line against this out of control anti-American that speaks well, but is devoid of positive leadership. And Hillary is on the horizon. She is a dose of more of the same. That is my honest opinion.
Our nation simply deserves better than President Obama, Secretary Clinton and Senator Landrieu.
Our nation is under assault by an anti-American, radical leftist President and while we still have the ballot, we must use it – in Congress – House and Senate – in 2014 and in the Presidency in 2016. My Presidential choice for the Republican Party is Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin. I sincerely believe he has the boldness, courage, capability, wisdom and honesty to lead us out of this dire threat to our very democracy. And that will hurt the chances immensely to proceed in the direction of heaven on earth.