
Must-Read Articles on Political and Spiritual Structure

It’s the economy, Stupid!

According to my analysis on the home page, the re-election of President Obama will lead to a worldwide depression.  The ...

The Smarter One

Raw, inert intelligence is one thing.  Applied intelligence can become genius, as with Steve Jobs, Mozart, etc. Governor Romney has ...

I get it!

I’ve now completed my review of Obama’s America.  I hope and pray it will help Governor Romney and a host of ...

Obama’s Hidden Agenda

I have reviewed five books after reading them first from cover to cover and then returning to the key sections ...

Do not be fooled a second time!

Fool me once with promises of hope and change—no red states or blue states, only the United States, followed by ...

Obama is Anti-American

It is becoming clearer and clearer to me that President Obama is totally unsuitable for a second term, a much ...

The Debate

I thought, as did a lot of other people, that Governor Romney did a wonderful job in the debate last ...

A Strong America

This election is critical.  A win by President Obama and a fair number of Democrats is not part of my ...

2016 The Movie

I’m waiting to see 2016 for the third time. Voters, especially those who are leaning slightly one way or another or are undecided, ...

Shame on the liberal media!

The liberal mainstream press should be ashamed of itself for allowing an anti-American to attain the presidency in the first ...

Reasons to Worry

I am worried.  Considering President Obama’s performance and everything I know about him, he should lose this election, and lose ...

Liberalism and the Booing of God

I listened in disbelief during the Democratic National Convention as delegates booed “God” and “Jerusalem” three times as the platform ...

Race should not be a factor

Race should not be a factor in any political contest in our country, especially the presidency and especially in our ...

We are at risk

The more I think about it, the more I see the similarities between the election in 1980 and the upcoming ...

Gov. Romney and Success

We must sound the alarm all across America.  If President Obama is reelected we are staring into the face of ...

Global Economy

I recently returned from visiting family and attending the football game between Mississippi State University and Auburn University.  It was ...

Republicans’ “Can Do” Mentality

After attending last night’s session of the Republican National Convention and reading some of the papers today, I want to ...

We Must Try

A friend asked me why the word “try” is in the Soldiers of Love pledge: “I will try to love and help ...