We are in the Innovation Age and we must invoke positive, non-violent, peaceful change. My idea for transgenders and sports is for them to have their own unique sports, apart from men and women, yet available through organizations such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and a New Transgender Special Olympics Organization.
I deeply believe that Almighty God created each of us and all of us with a mind, body, and a “little piece of God.” We are all children of God according to Gandhi, myself, and many others.
We are more alike than we are different. Genetically, there is more difference within races than between races. Also, all human genes are very, very, very similar.
Nancy Reagan stated, “We only make this trip once and we really should make it count.” Let’s allow transgenders’ character to be developed through sports – competing on a level playing field against other transgender athletes.
We are all in this together, and how we treat each other matters.