After reading the following, previous reading and studying, much thought and writing of my own, I will state my conclusion as to the immediate action toward permanent world peace.
Today’s sources are “The Wall Street Journal,” (dated Saturday/Sunday, March 26/27, 2022), Front page article, “Russia Pivots Its Focus in Ukraine,” by Mr. Matthew Luxmoore; An Opinion interview, “A Veteran Putin Foe Sizes Up Ukraine,” by Mr. Varadarajan, a “Wall Street Journal” contributor, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (who had an in-depth interview with Mr. Bill Browder); an Opinion article, “Measuring Out Putin’s Defeat in Ukraine” by Mr. Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. (Business World); “Washington Examiner,” (dated March 22-29), “the War Next Door; Poland is on NATO’s front lines even as its warnings on Putin go unheeded.”
NOW is the time for Mr. Putin to make a choice between the following two options:
1. Retirement with ample funds and guaranteed security.
Pray for Peace, not for our time, but permanent peace with the HUGE peace dividend that will accompany it.