In “The Wall Street Journal,” (dated February 15, 2022), the paper that I respect issued an Opinion article entitled; “Trump Really Was Spied On.”
Special Counsel John Durham now has a “court disclosure [which] contains startling information.” It explains that Mr. Trump and later President Trump was indeed spied upon by a team that “…was monitoring internet traffic related to Trump Tower, and Mr. Trump’s apartment on Central Park West.” Also, “The filing suggests the data collection continued on into the Trump Presidency.”
“Along the way the Clinton campaign fed…bogus claims to a willing and gullible media.”
Incidentally, I supported then Mr. Trump and now President Trump whom I deeply believe was not only elected by the American people in 2016, but also in 2020. In 2016 I promoted the following Tweet which I had composed; “I believe that Mr. Trump’s lack of political correctness is far better than Mrs. Clinton’s political corruption.”
One of the concluding lines in the article was revealing; “…the unfolding information underscores that the Russian collusion story was one of the dirtiest tricks in U.S. political history.”
One of the “jokes” that I have heard is that Mrs. Clinton stole too few votes and Mr. Biden stole too many.
Let’s address the widespread corruption and incompetence in the Democratic Party at the highest levels, federal, state, and local in all 50 states, especially as to ELECTION INTEGRITY!