(This blog was gleaned from “The Wall Street Journal,” dated Thursday, November 11, 2021, and my own perspective.)
The bold Headline reads, “Inflation Rate of 6.2% Marks a 31-Year High.” Key points follow:
>The price increases are broad and while raises are prevalent, inflation is dominant and likely to persist.
>The Trump/Republican tax/economy policies worked (for Blacks, Browns, Asians, Women, and virtually all Americans) and we NEED stable taxation. These policies “did boost growth and disposable income.”
>A conclusion of the Opinion and my own too, “This [inflation] is the result of reckless policy.”
>”Democratic transfer payments have created the worst labor shortage in years.” Vaccine mandates have also contributed. My comment, OUTRAGEOUS!
>”We haven’t seen such incompetence since Jimmy Carter.” Personally, I think Xi+ Biden and the Democratic Marxists are worse.
>Concerning the child care in the “Build Back Better” (Monster) bill, “By eliminating any work requirement, could cause 1.5 million working parents to quit the labor force…” This is ludicrous!
>The hypocrisy of the Marxists in eliminating the $10,000 cap on the state tax deduction is a blatant carrot for the rich in Democratic states.
The conclusion of the publication cited above concerning the “Build Back Better” bill is the same as mine, “Kill the bill and rescue the American middle class.” Actually, I would go further and say, “Let’s rescue America!”
Americans, Send letters, e-mails, phone calls, personal visits, imaginative ways; Contact the Democrats in both the House and Senate and KILL this MONSTER!
Always Politely, Courteously, yet Firmly and NON-VIOLENTLY!