Republicans, Independents, thoughtful Democrats, and all mindful Americans must awaken to the onslaught currently underway to DESTROY America! Now, those are strong words. But deep within my mind, body, and “little piece of God,” I believe them to be utterly honest, true, and sound.
At no time since the Civil War when Republican Abraham Lincoln led the Union in the battle to free the slaves and preserve our American Republic have we faced such an assault.
With only a slim majority in the House, perhaps a single vote advantage in the Senate, and the “Presidency,” destruction of America is well underway!
The latest affront to our democracy is a bill to literally “pack the court,” whose immediate aim is to make constitutional all the blatantly unconstitutional Biden executive actions, and the Federal Election Bill which instigates election fraud for the Democrats.
Historically, a very popular President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) tried to pack the court to pursue a New Deal and Republicans and Americans drew the line and defeated him on that affront to our Constitution. I do not believe that “President” Biden has anywhere near the popularity of FDR who was, by the way, legitimately elected.
Many Democratic Party voters have considered their support to be acts of kindness. But packing the Supreme Court will abandon fundamentally our nation to a current party that is inhumane on our southern border while turning so many Democratic cities into cruel crime hell-holes. This is also the party which has put teachers and their unions’ monetary contributions ahead of students and parents; opposing school choice, and perpetuating poor education among so many.
Packing the Supreme Court is a blatant power grab to PERMANENTLY subvert America, by an extremely corrupt Democratic Party. It will vastly warp America as we have known it.
It is time for Republicans, Independents, responsible Americans, and thinking Democrats to stand against packing the court and plundering our Constitution and our democracy.