America must develop two parties at every level with blacks, browns, Asian, white, all races and people – men, women and transgenders – everyone welcomed into a principled Republican Party. These new Republicans who run for any public office must be those of merit, competence, and free of corruption. Of course, they must continue as such while they execute the American people’s business at the local, state, and federal levels.
Meanwhile, there must be widespread, deep, solid, honest reforms within the Democratic Party.
Currently, reform of the Democratic Party necessarily requires the resignation of “President” Biden, “Vice President” Harris and all other Democrats that have attained public office through election/voter fraud, also Democrats who have used their political office for dishonest, illegal, or other grossly dishonorable deeds possible as a result of the public office and betrayed the people’s trust must resign or retire, now.
Now, the first thing these Democrats will say and do is to point out shortcomings of Republicans – real or blatant lies. And, unfortunately, the mainstream media – deeply tied financially to Xi+ and the Communist Chinese Party (in my considered opinion) will echo each lie and, sadly, even embellish it (see my Freedom Ballot blog.)
Once, the Christian religion had a reformation.
It is certainly time for a reformation of our American Republic toward honesty, competence, and genuine respect for the American people’s vote.
This is crucial for the very survival of our Republic, and that city on the hill (in President Reagan’s apt words.)
Yes, I am calling for an American Reformation built on stable, honest, wise values, not selfishness, envy, greed, hate, and revenge – Copthorne Macdonald’s negative human values. This is the Innovation Age and a reformation of our American government at all levels is a dire necessity.