I am now at one of my favorite restaurants, Sake Café, a wonderful Japanese restaurant within easy walking distance from my Garden District home in New Orleans – on the riverside of Magazine Street. I’m right at home here with tremendous food at moderate prices – and they even have a picture of me on the wall along with Saints football players and many others.
The weather is quite pleasant and I am taking advantage of it by dining in the outdoor portion looking out on the sidewalk and Magazine Street.
It’s fun seeing the other diners as well as those persons passing by: as Louis Armstrong sang, “as if saying, ‘I love you.’”
The sky is blue and the sun is shining. A girl on a bicycle passes.
A pick-up truck with quite a few ladders passes.
The last 23 years of my life have been unique, noteworthy, and I hope and pray will be a prelude to me becoming a non-violent American pathfinder, a patriot as well as a world citizen.
Of course, since the dawn of humankind, we have ALL been world citizens, quite unknowingly in a way. All have also been children of God – something Gandhi noted along with myself and many others.