I am an optimist at heart. How else could I try to see the way toward heaven on earth – and do so persistently since year 2000?
But our nation is in jeopardy – with a President who doesn’t embody the traits of a capable, wise, and honest leader. And right now the Democrats in the Senate make up the majority. This allows the Democrat, Senator Harry Reid, to foster foolish statements and perverse policies.
This November – we Americans – in our stable and robust democracy – can allow responsible Republicans to take majorities in the House of Representatives and the Senate. This will help shield our nation from the harmful actions of President Obama.
Our economy is anemic in the long-term with the current leadership – at best. President Obama, Democrats, and the Federal Reserve have followed unsound fiscal policies, to the great detriment of our country, all the time blaming others, especially the Republicans, for any failures.
As a Republican, I deeply believe that now is the time that American voters must take back our beloved nation from these inept, unwise and dishonest Democrats. President Reagan provided the ideal leadership to remedy the disaster that He identified. Now we must elect Bill Cassidy and others to take the majority of the Senate in 2014.
We must gain our independence from President Obama and the Democrats to salvage our democracy. Don’t think these are ordinary elections – 2014 or 2016.
President Obama squandered a hard-fought democracy in the Middle East – Iraq. His incoherent policy can only be “explained” by his personal history of being surrounded by anti-Americans. Of course, that pertains to his domestic policies, too.
We now have a near-record number of Republican Governors – thirty. They are joined by a number of state Republican Legislators. But they are fighting an uphill battle against the tirade of regulations from Washington, D. C., not to mention the higher taxes enacted in a tepid economy; both of these actions just the opposite of what President Reagan did to foster 25 years of healthy economic growth. And don’t forget the foreign policy triumphs in the Cold War fostered largely by the Great Communicator, our beloved President Regan.
I now believe that the 2012 elections were affected drastically by a President who wanted re-election at “any cost” – including corrupting the Executive Branch of government, something that has continued in his second term.
I support pro-choice and green solutions, as do many other Republicans. Climate change is an issue that is quite legitimate. The “anti-women” rhetoric that the President and Democrats fostered is completely a diversion from their poor record while in the majority in the House and Senate – particularly Obamacare. According to Bill Cassidy, who I support heartily for the U. S. senate, there are now 40 million people uninsured under the Obamacare law. We can do better!