Wisdom and faith allow us to examine these important parts of life with healthy self-esteem and lead a purposeful, meaningful life. Almighty God gave each of us and all of us a mind, body and little piece of God. Pursuing wisdom-associated values allows the development of a living faith that is reflected in the way we conduct ourselves.
There is no question that technology can do enormous things in this Innovation Age and that can be quite wonderful. Education—including wisdom tenets—can and will benefit globally from everything from inexpensive smart pads to human developments on a lifetime basis with human-friendly diagnostic type analysis.
Technology is going to keep marching on at a breaking speed. It is critical that, on a global basis, we rapidly innovate in other areas of human endeavor in a wise way. One of these are loving religions of the world while eliminating non-loving “religions” that pervert Almighty God’s enduring, steadfast love.
Another area requiring wise, kind innovation is in governments. Too many developed nations—including the United States, much of Europe, Japan, even China and elsewhere—have incurred massive debts and obligations in a very foolish, short-sighted way.
This presents the world and many countries with a financial future that is like none other before. There are 160 nations and globalizations with its interlocking economic ties can, and I think, will allow permanent peace, someday, somehow. An evolution to a world full of stable, robust, prosperous and efficient, wisely-constructed democracies will bring the permanent peace humankind has always sought.
So, we must innovate in religion, government and education. Lifelong learning is the key to the exciting future that I sincerely believe Almighty God has in mind for us. Wisdom must be taught and sought throughout our lives. Positive values count. Honesty should be highly valued in all societies and is critical in the proper, efficient and astute operation of democracies. We must cultivate a lifelong lust for learning. Reading is all-important as is formal education. Learning by doing is something that I have done with my writing.