Let’s abolish hate, once and for all.
The underlying negative values of hate, envy, greed and selfishness are at the base of humankind’s problems. We need to engender the positive values. Wisdom, truth, resilience, the stuff of character, must be sought and developed from within and without. Humankind must learn to treat itself and all creations in a kind, compassionate and loving manner.
Love has a way of making life joyful.
The United States must show the planet and help all to end poverty. Everyone won’t be “rich,” but all will have what they need and be grateful for not only their material blessings, but also their spiritual ones, too. This will require people of different faiths to unite—not in beliefs—but in values and deeds.
Just like President Reagan said, “It won’t be easy, but it will be simple.”
Work will not disappear, but over time become more enjoyable for all. Careers will be built, not with everyone on “top,” but with all being appreciated.
Learning how we humans work—mind, body and little piece of God—can allow enormous progress toward a Heaven on Earth. Each of us and all of us has an important role in this ultimate march of destiny.