by John E. Wade II
Xlibris, 2002
The essays in this book, written over a period of three years, range from deeply personal to political and spiritual ponderings. Having been in the analysis since 1977, Wade approaches his topics with a perspective wrought by channeling his unique insight through discipline and contemplation. Wade is a retired certified public accountant with more than 30 years of experience in government and private business. He lives in New Orleans, a city he has grown to love.
Throughout his adult life Wade has experienced episodes emanating from his bipolar condition, but now, thanks to a regime of proper diet, enough rest, regular exercise, carefully prescribed medication, and psychoanalysis, he enjoys an active, fulfilling life. “These are thoughtful reflections about faith and human existence from a gentle and sensitive soul. The reader will feel immediately welcomed and at home with John Wade’s candid sharings.” Donald R. Frampton, Senior Pastor, St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church