We don’t need a folk hero to lead our country!

Consider the legacy of President Reagan – a growth economy which enhanced the lives of so many in the middle class, lower class mobility and everyone else; and how his adroit bargaining, economic strength and military power led to the end of the Cold War, without firing a shot.

We have some of the similar challenges now, a difficult economy, radical Muslims, and Russian expansionism.

In our democracy we each have an important role to play in terms of voters.  I hope and pray that our electorate will discern the immense possibilities in electing Scott Walker, who is currently the Governor of Michigan.  I genuinely, deeply believe that he has the “right stuff” to propel us toward heaven on earth.  He has a rich and victorious electoral and accomplishment record at the local and state level.  He hasn’t been contaminated by the Washington beltway re-election disease.  He’s a courageous leader like President Reagan.

Yes, Republican, Democratic and independent voters should try to see through the mainstream press which is likely to attempt to destroy ANY Republican Presidential candidate despite the glaring character and other flaws of Secretary Clinton.

America doesn’t need a Democratic “folk hero” in 2016 or, for that matter, in other offices in 2014.

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