
Bill Cassidy for U.S. Senate: Good Reasons for Good Government

By John E. Wade II / October 15, 2014 / Comments Off on Bill Cassidy for U.S. Senate: Good Reasons for Good Government

Today I have visited the Jefferson Parish Headquarters of Dr. Bill Cassidy for the U. S. Senate.  I obtained yard signs and have worked some on the phones combining a positive message for Dr. Cassidy and explaining Landrieu’s 97% voting record with President Obama and her key vote for Obamacare – a vote that she…

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Bill Cassidy Has the Momentum–Keep It that Way!

By John E. Wade II / September 9, 2014 / Comments Off on Bill Cassidy Has the Momentum–Keep It that Way!

The momentum of the Mary Landrieu versus Bill Cassidy, M.D. campaign apparently has shifted toward Congressman Cassidy, M.D., a serious, educated, honest, wise, and capable public servant.  He’s ahead in the polls, money, and recent money raised, and he’s not a close associate of President Obama.  This is in contrast to Senator Landrieu, who has…

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Our Current Toxic President and Hope for Tomorrow

By John E. Wade II / September 5, 2014 / Comments Off on Our Current Toxic President and Hope for Tomorrow

We are in The Innovation Age and all humans and human-created entities must innovate in a positive, kind, wise manner on that beautiful journey to heaven on earth. We’ve had a toxic president in office for far too long, with two and a half long years ahead.  He has been the most divisive president in…

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Thoughts on the Ukraine Crisis

By John E. Wade II / September 3, 2014 / Comments Off on Thoughts on the Ukraine Crisis

I recently read an interesting article titled, “Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault,” which appeared in Foreign Affairs,(September/October, 2014).  The writer did a good job demonstrating that the West’s pursuit of Ukraine into NATO and the European Union has been an unnecessary provocation of Russia.It is noted that historically, “Napoleonic France, imperial Germany, and…

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Vote for a candidate with Wisdom, Honesty, and Conservatism!

By John E. Wade II / September 1, 2014 / Comments Off on Vote for a candidate with Wisdom, Honesty, and Conservatism!

If you want your vote to further promote a toxic atmosphere in Washington D.C., vote for Senator Landrieu.  She has been quite regularly (97 percent of the time) supporting the incompetent liberals surrounding our incompetent president.To convert the Uniited States Senate to a republican majority and bring sense to the legislative arm of our federal government,…

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Reelecting Senator Landrieu would be WRONG

By John E. Wade II / August 28, 2014 / Comments Off on Reelecting Senator Landrieu would be WRONG

The liberal Senator Landrieu has been elected to represent the conservative state of Louisiana, yet her voting record is incomprehensible.  How in the world can Senator Landrieu keep a straight face while she is in Louisiana, when her voting record in Washington is aligned with President Obama 97 percent of the time?  And, unfortunately, that…

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Voting Wisely on November 4th

By John E. Wade II / August 26, 2014 / Comments Off on Voting Wisely on November 4th

We are in a tight race between Mary Landrieu and Bill Cassidy.  The result of this U.S. senate election is likely to determine if republicans will control of the senate during President Obama’s final two years.     This republican senate majority is direly needed for Louisianans, our nation, and the world.    Senator Landrieu is a liberal tax-and-spend democrat…

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Free-flowing thoughts on America

By John E. Wade II / August 25, 2014 / Comments Off on Free-flowing thoughts on America

I am motivated by the movie, “America: Imagine the World without Her,” to help take back America from the far left that now is in control of the President who disregards our laws and Constitution and a Democratic Senate that is an accomplice to the Administration. Senator Landrieu is a key liberal supporter of the…

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We must prevent the suicide of our great nation!

By John E. Wade II / August 22, 2014 / Comments Off on We must prevent the suicide of our great nation!

I have seen Dinesh D’Souza’s movie, “America: Imagine a World without Her,” several times.  It’s quite well done, and I encourage others to view it in order to spread the truth about our nation’s history and to defeat the present danger from the far left. America must remain a free, stable, and robust democracy; and…

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America and the Pursuit of Joy

By John E. Wade II / August 20, 2014 / Comments Off on America and the Pursuit of Joy

I am reading Dinesh D’Souza’s book, “America: Imagine a World without Her,” and finding it quite truthful, full of wisdom and insight. America was founded on the idea that all men (and later women and people of all races) are created as equals, with certain inalienable rights; that among these is life, liberty and the…

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