I have been doing a number of radio interviews concerning my most recently published book, Glimpses of Heaven on Earth. Several years ago, while promoting How to Achieve a Heaven on Earth, I got nervous when doing such interviews, but now it is an enjoyable experience. In fact, I find my efforts to try to motivate people to join me on the path toward Heaven on Earth, including living the ten elements which I deeply believe will be present in that ultimate destiny, to be quite fulfilling and joyful. The longer on-air or taped sessions are my favorites. Then there is no concern that the most essential points might be left out and there is plenty of time to go back and forth with the host. As I say during each of these interviews, my calling is calling, not to dwell on what “was” or “is,” but rather, on what can be–Heaven on Earth. It’s a spiritual calling to me and my hopes and prayers are that many, many others will take up this challenging, yet satisfying calling. The theme of my calling runs through my books, but it is also wonderful to express it verbally on the air. Somehow, I sense a little bit of momentum beginning to build. These radio and television dialogues are not for vanity or celebrity at all, far from it. They are part of the purpose of my life. Perhaps it’s like a voice in the wilderness, but someway that ripple will travel far. Why? Because of God’s enduring, steadfast love and the predestination of Heaven on Earth for all humankind. If you’d like to listen in on one of these interviews, just follow this link, then select the yellow highlighted button, then check off my August 29th interview, scroll to the bottom, and press play. I hope you enjoy it!