An article showed what many may also know. It was in “BARRON’S,” (Dated March 7, 2022), “Stagflation is Here. Is Recession Next? Real Wages Hold Key,” by Lisa Beifuss.
First, let’s define “Stagflation” as per the article, “Stagflation, at least its textbook definition…[is] the combination of rising prices and slowing growth.”
IF, in my opinion, President Trump had somehow overcome the massive election fraud of November 3, 2020, (including the Democrats’ intentional delays and interference which led to China/Russia Joe Biden’s “Presidency”), America would be in a V-shaped recovery, no open Southern borders, an orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan, no war in Ukraine, no ridiculous education such as critical race theory prior to human brain maturity at about age 25, and on and on and on, not to mention the $1.9 trillion purely Democratic expenditure that lit the torch of this inflation.
Of course, we have to deal with the NOW and part of the puzzle is to have a deep forensic audit conducted by Independent Certified Public Accountants (with any assistance needed). This audit should include ALL 50 states. This action should take place NOW! Federal election records are required to be retained for 22 months following such elections, the pertinent one, of course, is that of November 3, 2020, which would require retention till September 3, 2022.
The media/Big Techs’ smothering of the news of Hunter Biden’s flagrant corruption distorted the election. The de-barring of President Trump from social media and other such actions had their effects also.
There are no easy answers, but in my opinion; allowing the travesty of this presidency to continue and especially not to find out the weaknesses of our election systems could have disastrous results.