Today, I attended and participated in the 13th and last Sunday school class of First Light, a study of the life and times of Christ, too much to relate briefly, so let me offer a few humble thoughts of my own.
Early Christians described themselves as following “The Way.” As I understand Christ, he pointed humankind toward love, kindness, forgiveness (from God and toward each other), and non-violence.
The Way for each of us varies as we go through our life, searching for love, kindness, empathy, non-violently moving from calling(s) to calling(s) along our journey.
Life is not a series of low hurdles for anyone, yet, Christ and our Heavenly Father are pulling for us, loving us, and somehow can be reached through prayer, spiritual leaders and all the flocks they lead, deeds of our own and others, and a developing, deepening, continuing faith in ALL that is good and worthy.