I have reviewed five books after reading them first from cover to cover and then returning to the key sections two or three times. I feel that I have a very good grasp of the campaign, as well as the economy, having read several books on that topic multiple times. My studied advice is simple—elect Governor Romney, Congressman Ryan and a host of Republicans at all levels.
President Obama is a deeply-flawed person, abandoned by his father before birth and his mother at age ten. But his dream for America is unlike that of just about everyone in our previously-prosperous nation. He is not the typical liberal, such as Presidents Clinton and Carter, for his mind was shaped by the myth of his father, created by his mother and grandparents as well as a series of other anti-colonialist, anti-American individuals.
His hidden agenda is to bring our nation down to the level of third-world countries. And he can do it to a large extent, but in the process I believe he will create a worldwide depression.
I have a vision for the world, that of a Heaven on Earth. A downward spiral in our economy and that of the world does not fit into my vision of peace, security, freedom, democracies, prosperity, spiritual harmony, racial harmony, ecological harmony and health, as well as moral purpose and meaning.
Peace and security, as well as freedom and democracies, are linked to prosperity. The number of people in abject poverty in the world—surviving or trying to survive on less than a dollar a day—will be multiplied and millions lost if we reelect President Obama. His form of anti-Americanism and anti-colonialism attacks the “rich,” defined as the top one percent worldwide, those with incomes of $34,000 per year. His continued “leadership” would spell disaster for the poor and middle classes in the United States and worldwide.
But in our robust and stable democracy we can choose to avoid this calamity. Governor Romney is a moral, genuine, wonderful alternative. He needs other Republicans to support him to avoid the dangerous waters that President Obama has created primarily by inaction, blaming and distraction. Our role as voters is clear. We must discern that Governor Romney represents a wise, capable and honest candidate, and we should not vote out of “white guilt,” hate, envy or greed.
Remember, the poor and middle classes will be hurt the most by a Democratic victory, especially in the presidential race, but in other elections as well.
I see President Obama as the worst president in my lifetime, even worse than Presidents Nixon and Carter. At least they were trying to help our nation rather than hurt it.
Don’t underestimate the con man aspect of President Obama. He has gotten this skill honestly from his father, who engaged in impersonating important people on a number of occasions.
The world needs for us to make the right decision in this election. President Obama has his hidden agenda and is intent on driving our country down, regardless of his smooth “packaging.” He is conducting himself as a third-world dictator, living in an extraordinary fashion, with seventeen vacations and over one hundred rounds of golf during his tenure.