My calling is calling; not to dwell on what was or is, but rather what can be.
We have a huge choice in our robust and stable American democracy. The status quo leads us to world-wide depression and quite possibly a loss of peace and security on a major scale.
But we have our vote. We can choose to innovate in government: taxes, regulations, laws, and on and on, simplifying our lives, increasing our productivity, raising our living standards, and becoming a kinder, gentler nation.
Governor Romney’s leadership will be a key to such a future. (Please see my reviews of The Real Romney and Governor Romney’s own book, No Apology).
Let’s open the way to a bright future. It’s a simple choice. It won’t be an easy journey, but the status quo is not in my vision of the path to a Heaven on Earth.
My sincere judgment is that it is imperative to elect Governor Romney and a host of Republicans at all levels. The future is all we have ahead of us. Let’s take care to vote with the passion of wisdom.