I’m at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans. I have viewed some of the museum and then experienced the “Beyond All Boundaries” presentation as well as the “Final Mission” submarine adventure.
All in all, I am very impressed with the additions and the superb quality of the whole museum. I recommend it to all–worldwide.
The “Beyond All Boundaries” presentations brought tears to my eyes as I saw what the greatest generation went through. The war saddened me, so many military personnel and civilians killed and wounded; or dying of causes related to that brutal time in human history. Right now Syria is in the midst of a civil war with a dictator no better than those we fought in World War II. But is war the answer? Russia, China and Iran are supporting that dictator–Assad.
Egypt is trying to proceed nonviolently toward a democratic government.
We must move to a world full of stable, robust, prosperous democracies and the permanent peace that will bring.
“War is hell.” We need to strive toward a heaven on earth with the strong guidance and support of God’s enduring, steadfast love.
As we evolve toward a world of stable, robust, prosperous democracies, we must travel along a nonviolent path.
In India when that nation got its independence from Britain–nonviolently–it had 350 million people and 2000 died in the change–it still has a democracy. To the contrary, when Algeria got its independence from France through warfare, it had a population of 11 million and 800,000 died–it still has a dictatorship.
Violence is a very uncertain way of dealing with human nations or people in general. This includes crime and terrorism. We must end combat, crime and terrorism.***
Thank God for the bravery and service for all the Allies during World War II. What is needed now in the Innovation Age is courage in another way, that which Robert Kennedy spoke of quite a while ago, yet still so important. He spoke of the courage to stand up for what is right in spite of the overwhelming winds against you. I can think of two examples that cry out now–for moderate Muslims to challenge the radical Muslims in the Mosques around the world; and, for the unfree, poor people of Cuba to rise up in a nonviolent way to their oppressive government.