Contemplating a world where work is more like play

I am high in the sky, sipping my Coke Zero and on my way to Orlando and a family Disney vacation.  My grandchildren will experience wonder and awe and I’ll have a stupendous time observing their childish delight.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge,” said Albert Einstein.  The folks at Disney are masters of invoking innovative concepts from their parks to their movies, television, and cruises.  I’m so looking forward to this experience of joy – especially not my own but that of the grandchildren.

People are people, more alike than we are different.  To seek happiness of a lasting nature, service to others, and the honest realization that you deserve something good is essential.

Earned pleasure is life’s reward that is truly meaningful.

On this trip, I completed reading the manuscript of my upcoming book, Glimpses of Heaven on Earth.  Was that work?  To be sincere, it was like play to me and it sort of made me feel like I deserved this Disney vacation that I am providing for my family and me.

That’s the kind of “work” that I envision when we arrive at heaven on earth – meaningful, enjoyable, fruitful, inspiring, purposeful, honest “work.”

People to people, kindness to kindness.  No matter what the job, treating others with useful service, these waves of goodwill can and will echo through humankind.

Why not?  Let your imagination run rampant toward worthy pursuits and don’t quit that day job until you have a good chance to succeed in your dream job.

Lifelong learning, and perhaps even eternal learning, is necessary to move with the inherent progress in Heaven on Earth.  But being curious about reading, financial literacy, and so many other skills will be natural for all.  Learning by doing will also persist continuously.

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