I deeply believe that my calling is to become A pathfinder toward Heaven on Earth; with stops along the way. Yes, to help bring about the following, for America and eventually the world:
- 1. Peace and Security
- 2. Freedom
- 3. Democracies
- 4. Prosperity
- 5. Gender Harmony
- 6. Racial Harmony
- 7. Spiritual Harmony
- 8. Ecological Harmony
- 9. Health
- 10. Moral Purpose and Meaning
- Basic to this quest is to adopt, day by day, year by year, lifetime by lifetime, Copthorne Macdonald’s Wisdom-Associated Values as follows:
- 1. Empathy
- 2. Truth
- 3. Honesty
- 4. Justice
- 5. Cooperation
- 6. Peace
- 7. Compassion
- 8. Universal Well-Being
- 9. Creativity
- 10. Comprehensive Knowledge
At the same time, We must SHUN Copthorne Macdonald’s Negative Human Values as follows:
- 1. Selfishness
- 2. Greed
- 3. Envy
- 4. Hate
- 5. Revenge
I don’t claim to understand God, yet I believe He somehow, someway, intends for each of us, and all of us, to join Him in Heaven or to create a Heaven on Earth. Remember the part of the Lord’s Prayer, “on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
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