On Sunday night, (March 6, 2022), I watched on Fox “Life, Liberty, and Levin,” (9:00 PM EST), “Revolution,” (10:00 PM EST), and a special that followed “Who is Putin?” at 11:00 PM EST.
There were a multitude of experts, military strategists, and very informed persons concerning the war in Ukraine as well as “President” Putin. I took copious notes. Highlights from those insightful programs and from other sources follow:
>Putin is a killer with a long list of “disappears,” and 16 politicians, businessmen, and diplomats murdered. (My words – like Stalin)
>Russia is taking part in the “negotiations” concerning nuclear weapons in Iran. (My words, you just can’t make this stuff up!)
>Ukraine population, about 45 million
>Ukraine size, about the size of Texas
>There are about 17,000 anti-tank weapons which entered Ukraine over past week – They need more of the same and helicopter/aircraft weapons on a sustained basis.
>In Day 12 of conflict, there is an estimate of 4500 Russian military deaths with bodies cremated on site (This really shows the lack of respect Putin has toward his own).
Personally, I much prefer a non-violent approach. Once I went on a hunger strike after I had closely observed the plight of the Cuban people. I ended that effort after 8 days after learning that famous Cubans had tried that tactic without success. Gandhi wrote that hunger strikes don’t work against tyrants.
I intend to read “Putin’s Playground” to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of “President” Putin whom I consider the “Stalin of our time.” I intend to continue studying Xi, the dictator of China whom I believe to be the “Hitler of our time.”