I just completed reading an interesting, amazing, optimistic article in “Washington Examiner,” (dated March 8, 2020) by Jamie McIntyre; senior writer on defense and national security. It’s entitled, “Russia’s Potemkin army: It is plagued by low morale, bad commanders, flawed doctrine”
Overall, many military experts consider the Russian military as “incompetent.” Retired former Supreme NATO Commander General Wesley Clark made a statement that the Russian military “is really strong at the top, with lots of good equipment, but at the bottom, they don’t respect their individual soldiers.”
The Russians are “unprepared [some captured think they’re on a training exercise, not even knowing they’re in Ukraine], poorly equipped, badly led and woefully inept in waging conventional warfare.”
In analyzing the article, it appears that the ratio of Russians, about 190,000 strong, may be able to take the cities, but it is doubtful that this “ill-conceived invasion plan,” will be able to subdue a population of 43,000,000 in the longer term, a highly motivated people and president.
In my opinion, “President” Putin (the Stalin of our time), and Xi (the Hitler of our time) would NEVER have tried this military action had our American voters been honored on our American voters as of Election Day, November 3, 2020.
All free nations should help the heroic Ukrainians.
And I stand by my solution of “President” Putin retiring quickly with guaranteed safety and ample funds OR DEATH!