“President” Biden, the Marxist Democrats, and the reckless Democrats have a diversion from their abject failures, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
But the Free World must stop Putin. Putin had a childhood ambition to be a KGB agent and has become the Stalin of our time. There is no end in sight as to his killing, destruction, and utter cruelty (intentionally so).
Just consider Syria, Crimea, Eastern Ukraine, and now the whole of Ukraine with its 43,000,000 heroic people who have lived in a Texas+ size country that had the yoke of Stalin, and in recent years as well as now, Putin. The best solution; retirement of Putin with guaranteed security and ample funds OR Death.
Otherwise, Free Nations must stop Ukraine’s Russian invaders with arms and everything else they need. If Hitler had been stopped early, imagine the suffering that would have been averted, and now with weapons like the Xi Virus, cyber attacks, and all the rest; we must make warfare of any kind OBSOLETE.
Xi is watching closely, being the Hitler of our time. He comes complete with Muslim concentration camps, mass executions, organ harvesting, brutalizing Hong Kong and their promised freedom, and, again, the Xi Virus.
The Communist Chinese Party must NOT allow Xi a third term for their own sake and that of the Chinese people. Not only has he been the epitome of inhumane acts, he has also been a poor steward of the Chinese economy from 2013 onward.
Xi has continually favored State Owned Enterprises (SEOs) which have been unprofitable and creators of increasing debts. Also real estate entities are failing as values are decreasing. Much of Xi’s “successes” were driven by unwise debt which is now slowing growth.
Yes, Xi has become the pariah of the world stage with his “no limits” friendship with Putin, a fellow pariah. Xi’s heroes are Mao and Stalin, and combine this with his desire to be loved and feared; he becomes the Hitler of our time. The Chinese Communist Party can hold him to two terms, (the Constitutional limit) and he can retire this year.
If you have never prayed before, now is the time, for the Ukrainians, the Free World, and ALL of humanity.