An horrific article appeared within a publication in which I have tremendous respect, “THE EPOCH TIMES, (dated January 26 – February 1, 2022) entitled, “China’s 21st Century Auschwitz: Beijing’s official policy of ‘no mercy’ toward Xinjiang reveals the horror that is communist China.”
I have been to Auschwitz. It was a pit of shame to humankind and the epitome of extreme racism.
The article states there are “12 million Uyghurs in the Northwestern region of Xinjiang, China, of which up to 2 million are, as you read this, living and working in slave labor camps.”
Darkly, “Camp policy includes violent and life-theatening physical and mental torture, cruel and unusual medical experimentation on a Nazi scale, forced sterilization, and mass executions.”
The article explicitly states, “And make no mistake, the aggressive campaign on minorities began after Xi Jinping became the leader of China in 2013. Xi, and no one else, owns that heavy handed policy.”
I have tweeted in the past (probably shadowed by Twitter) and blogged about Xi, whom I have characterized as the “Hitler of our time.” His heroes are Mao and Stalin, both mass murderers. I have been told that he wants to be loved and feared, a weird, and in my view, incompatible mindset.
With the highly compromised China Joe Biden, our American government leaves little hope to remove Xi.
However, the Communist Chinese Party Constitution has a limit of two, five-year terms. This fall the Party could enforce its Constitution. Let’s hope and pray that the Party brings to an end Xi’s rule, as he would have served his two terms. May they do this NON-VIOLENTLY!
But make no mistake about this travesty. This fall the ball is definitely in the court of the Chinese Communist Party. Remember, Marxists eat their own. Party members’, the Chinese peoples’, and certainly the Uyghurs’ very lives are very much at stake.
Again, assure that Xi retires, NON-VIOLENTLY!