It’s quite well known that “President” Putin has stated many times that it was a “Geo-political mistake” for the Soviet Union to collapse.
I certainly dispute that because freedom, free enterprise, democracies, and much more were created with peoples who had been dominated as slaves previously. The Geo-political mistake, in my opinion, was the failure in Russia to do the “hard” work of creating their own viable freedom, free enterprise, and democracy despite having the largest land area in the world of any nation, a literate population, and vast oil and gas resources. The Russian people HAVE BEEN ROBBED!
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in her superb book, “Democracy: Stories from the Long Road to Freedom,” gives the sad account of Russia’s fairly brief democracy experience, ultimately undermined and destroyed by dictator Putin.
No, “President” Putin, you are the “Geo-political” tragedy, and Russia has no military threat from without, certainly NOT from Ukraine!