As I read Mr. Peter Schweizer’s revealing book; “Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” I am learning so much just as Mr. Mark Levin stated he did on his television show last Sunday, “Life, Liberty, and Levin.”
I must be quite candid that what I am reading is quite disheartening in that some of my heroes are becoming villains. At this point, I will not name names, but encourage all Americans, patriotic or not, to examine closely this very factual account.
My solemn hope and prayer is that the Communist Chinese Party assures that their Constitution is upheld with the non-violent retirement of the dictator Xi on or before his second 5-year term which expires at the end of this year (2022). In my studied opinion, Xi is the Hitler of our time!
Another fervent prayer is for America to achieve election integrity retroactive to November 3, 2020, and forward in federal, state, and local elections (elections as secure as our credit/debit cards – from verified and valid IDs supporting ballots through to the final counts).