The retirement of Xi after two terms which would be in accordance with the Chinese Communist Constitution could and would remove the Hitler of our time. Putin, who turns 70 this year, should also retire.
Both of these dictators are illegitimate, lacking in empathy, cooperation, peace, compassion, universal well-being, creativity, and comprehensive knowledge; the wisdom-associated values presented in my book, “Wisdom for Heaven on Earth.” Instead they exhibit the negative human values of selfishness, greed, envy, hate, and revenge.
Both of these dictators have domestic problems, so they are trying to distract the Chinese and Russian people with nationalistic war-mongering.
An internationally guaranteed safe retirement of Xi and Putin could bring to a halt the present World War III, complete with the Xi Virus, cyber attacks and much more that could and would come.
The incentive for Xi and Putin would be safety whereas the justice for humanity would be their loss of power, NON-VIOLENTLY!