Let’s all hope and pray that NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, will there be a World War III; for that matter-any war of ANY kind. PERIOD!
What brings that to mind?
Last night I attended an event at the World War II Museum which celebrated the life of a great gentleman, (Mr. Herschel Lee Abbott, Jr., September 4, 1941-August 2, 2020). Unfortunately, I did not have the honor to know this loving giant; judging quite honestly from the testimonies of his deep impact on the Museum, numerous boards, managing partner of a huge New Orleans law firm, King of Carnival, and his quite apparent love of his family, friends, and all who had the opportunity to encounter him in some fashion.
Mr. Abbott, who was called Herschel by the speakers, deeply believed in this concept; From whom much is given, much is expected.
I once wrote in “How to Achieve a Heaven on Earth,” that “I want my life to count…” As of now, I couldn’t feel, think, or pray any harder to reflect that wondrous concept followed devoutly by Mr. Abbott.
While there have been triumphs in my 75 years, I believe that The Best is Yet to Come, for America, the world, and ME! Mr. Abbott gave life his best. Thank you, Sir!
Thank You, Dear God!
Thank You, Dear God!
Thank You, Dear God!
Thank You, Dear God!
Unfold those Stars and Stripes for America and All the special persons who have and are serving us in countless ways!