John R Kasich was elected governor of Ohio—a key swing state—first in 2011 and then reelected again in a landslide. He closed an $8 billion budget deficit without raising taxes and has reduced taxes by $800 million. Now that’s the sort of thing that can and would reduce our $200,000 per person national debt. This debt, entitlements, and a bloated federal government is pressing down on our economy. It’s invisible—but it is real in its effect.
Kasich is no stranger to taking on and solving big problems. He served as a member of Congress from central Ohio for 18 years and, as the chairman of the House Budget Committee, he led the effort to balance the federal budget for the first time since 1969 and helped enact historic welfare reform.
He has worked in the private sector and was a commentator for FOX News.
I read one of his books, Every Other Monday, and it convinced me of his fine character. After the Obama Administration and Secretary Clinton, we are in dire need of Governor Kasich who is described as known for being straightforward, optimistic and energetic.
Vote and support Governor John Kasich for president. It really matters, not only to Americans, but to the world.