Review by and Comments by John E. Wade II
Kissinger writes, “No mythic founder has been credited with promulgating the Hindu tradition, India’s majority faith and the wellspring of several others.” India has a population of about 1.252 billion (2013). According to Wikipedia the Hindu population is about 1.029 billion (2001 census). The Muslim number is about 180 million (2011 census). By population India is the largest democracy in the world.
Buddhism was founded in India–I observed the place where Buddha preached his first sermon from which I was told most of the religion originated. Buddhism went from India to Burma, Ceylon, China, Indonesia and elsewhere.
China, until modern times, imposed its customs and culture on its conquerors such that they became indistinguishable from Chinese people. Rather, India transcended invaders not by converting them to Indian religion or custom, but by accepting their ambitions with utmost equanimity; it integrated their achievements and doctrines without awe of them.
Britain had a lot to do with unifying India, especially in modern times. The combination of Gandhi and the core values of freedom within the liberal British society led to an independent, democratic India with minimal violence.
Within a few decades it is projected that India will have a larger population than China (1.357 billion in 2013)
The most exciting current development is last year’s overwhelming election of Prime Minister Narenda Modi and his party. Kissinger states, ”With India, Japan and China all led by strong and strategically oriented administrations, the scope both for intensified rivalries and bold resolutions will expand.”
I hope and pray for these Pacific giants as well as the whole world that there will be free, fair trade in goods and services, fostering prosperity in Asia and globally. The business of governments everywhere should be in aiding businesses in order to engender prosperity for people, not the deaths and destructions of wars.