We have a wonderful window of opportunity to proceed toward Heaven on Earth. As the American Airline slogan says, “One World.” I wholeheartedly agree. Almighty God created each of us and all of us with a mind, body, and a “little piece of God.” God loves us with an enduring, steadfast love. I deeply believe that we are predetermined to achieve Heaven on Earth, but humankind must do its part. And in many, many ways, we are.
Somehow we need to concentrate on the positives in life and work to eliminate the negatives. It’s true that progress is easier said than done, but we must focus on motivating ourselves and others to make healthy, kind, and compassionate choices in life, which is our gift from God.
One world, one body of humanity, let us unite – not in terms of national borders – but in terms of a motivation toward Heaven on Earth. Think of it: imagine a world where we are kind to ourselves and each other. The joy would be present in everyone’s life. The positives of life would provide our planet joy, kindness, compassion, and love.