I just finished reading two articles in The Economist about Hillary Clinton and her potential presidential campaign. I think she will have some serious issues being elected—problems that even her expected $1 billion campaign war chest won’t be able to overcome. The most serious is that she is not trustworthy and is unlawful in her actions, with the most egregious example being her illegal “private” email system used while she served as Secretary of State. And the worst part of that fatal flaw is that she deleted parts of it. Her actions remind me of President Richard Nixon, though even he didn’t destroy the papers which forced him to resign.
Republicans need to over and over and over again remind the American people of her deletion. This is certainly similar to when Arthur Anderson shredded its work papers. The public understood “shredding” and it destroyed Arthur Anderson. The same is true of Hillary Clinton’s emails – first, having a private email system at all, and even worse, her deleting of emails that should destroy her presidential ambitions.
Clinton’s health is also a concern, considering that she has already had a serious stroke–a blood clot in the brain for which she was hospitalized for a month—I’ve been told by a very reliable source. If she were in good health and a worthy candidate like President Reagan, her age (almost the same as Reagan during his first presidential campaign) would not be relevant. But the combination of her health questions and her less than Reagan-like leadership abilities make her a poor presidential choice.
Big ambitions and high intelligence, when the candidate lacks honesty and trust, can lead our nation further down the downward path that President Obama and his Democratic supporters have taken us. Big money must not allow Hillary Clinton to “buy” our America.
Governor Scott Walker could and would bring in a breath of fresh air and competency as an executive. His is trustworthy and the right formula for our government. Like President Reagan, Governor Scott Walker is courageous, a leader, innovative, and so much more capable, wise and honest than Hillary Clinton.
Over and over and over, Republicans should bring up this email question. The mainline press may ignore it, but people, along with honest (and often conservative) media must remind our citizens about that flagrant violation.
In my opinion, Secretary Hillary Clinton would be a disaster following a disaster, President Obama as the worst President in American history, followed by a person who certainly doesn’t know how to lead our nation. In fact, I predict that it wouldn’t be long before China, a non-Democratic nation, takes over our lead in the world.