I just finished reading my latest blog for Governor Scott Walker as a 2016 Presidential winner and also my review of his book “Unintimidated.”
Scott Walker, in my opinion, has proven courage, leadership, innovation, capabilities, honesty, and conservative wisdom.
The Presidency with Scott Walker assuming office – on January 20, 2017 – will come none too soon.
World currencies are in question by those who have some understanding – genuine understanding of everything from the yen to the euro to the dollar and others.
A no-nonsense proven conservative at the local, legislative and governorship level is a deep need on January 20, 2017.
Scott Walker gets results. He knows how to run the government in innovative, but workable ways. In fact, he calls solving challenging problems in government, “Fun.”
Scott Walker is a rare breed whose time is now – both for the dire needs of America and the world, but also because he is ready.
I heartedly urge you to read “Unintimidated” by Scott Walker and my review, too.
I see many of the qualities of Ronald Reagan in Scott Walker perhaps more strongly; his effectiveness and his ability to get results in difficult situations.
Our current President demonstrates just the opposite that I see in Scott Walker and Secretary Clinton. Should she become the Democratic nominee – she has never had the responsibilities anywhere near those of Governor Walker – and especially results, positive results in anything of consequence.
To be honest, we couldn’t afford to have eight years of President Obama. The solution – and it won’t be easy- is to elect Governor Scott Walker and have a “turnaround” like we had when we moved from President Carter to President Reagan. I deeply believe Governor Scott Walker can and will help immensely. But we have almost two years to endure with an incompetent, anti-American President Obama – so pray, pray, pray that we can reach January 20, 2017 without disasters or currency crisis, Isis attacks all over the world, and on and on.
It is important that those who elected and then re-elected this disastrous Democratic President and those that supported him support Governor Scott Walker for President and Republicans at all levels in 2016.
We must reform our nation – especially our federal government.