If the United States is to be successful domestically, we must think globally and at the same time have a deep realization that we are in The Innovation Age. It is up to us – humankind – with God’s enduring, steadfast love, to reach for the ultimate destiny – Heaven on Earth.
To illustrate how global action is needed domestically, think about education. With globalization we are competing with South Koreans with superb education systems – and so many other such nations.
The present and the future will be most propitious for knowledgeable people and people people; and, if a person has both of these qualities, his or her ambitions will be most assured. Of course, the embodiment of Copthorne Macdonald’s positive values while shunning the negative values will allow meaning, purpose and fulfillment in a person’s life.
Each life is precious, a gift from God. We must be all for all in order to fully express our appreciation for our gift.
Let’s discover ourselves and others in an honest, sensitive, loving way – recognizing that superficial differences hide our common nature.
Each person is a treasure, meant to flourish in multiple ways. Our time is not meant to be concerned with selfishness, envy, greed, hate and revenge.
We must see the truth in love. In the Presbyterian Church I learned in Sunday school that, “Man’s [and woman’s] chief aim is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” The Bible also says, “God is Love.” So, love is basic to each of us and all of us.
Wonder and awe are found as we examine the mysteries of ourselves, others and everything else. Harvey Cox in “The Future of Faith” wrote about these three mysteries of our being.
It’s important to delve beyond the superficial, seek wisdom, shun negative values as well as hope and pray for love – for us, others and God,
Why should we do the right thing? My basic underlying belief is that’s the way for humankind to traverse that wonderful journey through The Innovation Age to The Spiritual Age – heaven on earth.
How do we do the right thing? Seeking the wisdom-associated values – empathy, truth, honesty, justice, cooperation, peace, compassion, universal well-being, creativity and general knowledge – while shunning the negative values – selfishness, greed, envy, hate and revenge.