I am motivated by the movie, “America: Imagine the World without Her,” to help take back America from the far left that now is in control of the President who disregards our laws and Constitution and a Democratic Senate that is an accomplice to the Administration.
Senator Landrieu is a key liberal supporter of the Obama Administration – voting 97 percent with him and casting a deciding vote in order to enact that disaster – Obamacare.
What the Obama Administration is doing with regulations, taxes and intrusive government against its economics is unprecedented in American history.
I try very hard to seek truth and wisdom wherever they lie. Sometimes too many people mask the truth in labels that mislead so many people. “America,” I believe, is a truth-seeking and truth-finding presentation that flies in the face of President Obama’s silvery tongue.
It is amazing that a person such as Barrack Obama could ascend to the Presidency, not because of his race, but because of his audacious assault on our government and its people.
He has a silvery tongue that modulates every sound to please and mislead. And to think, his eight years may be followed by Hillary Clinton who is just as liberal and lacking in character.
See “America” and judge for yourself. Our very democracy is at risk. I believe that Governor Scott Walker and a host of Republicans at all levels in 2014 and 2016 could and would free us from this very dangerous intrusion from the far left. Many Americans have given up lives and limbs for freedom around the world. We must not allow the loss of our freedom from within – “suicide” according to “America” with a convincing case.
How many times does President Obama have to deceive us with his tongue before we simply disregard his words as completely unreliable?
The future could be quite bleak – in America and worldwide – unless America regains its statue with the leadership of someone like Governor Scott Walker supported by a Republican majority in the House and Senate, the Senate including superb persons such as Bill Cassidy, M.D.
We have a tremendous amount of innovation and simplification that needs desperately to be done at the federal level. It can be done, but certainly not with Democratic “leadership.”
The President-in-waiting for the Democrats is Hillary Clinton. She has the ambition and the intelligence. But in terms of character and ideology – particularly following President Obama – she would be an absolute humongous disaster for the middle class and poor.
Many of the “rich” would simply exit our nation and go abroad if we commit the “suicide” that “America” vividly describes. But the middle class and poor wouldn’t have that option.
What can we do? As of now – 2014 – we still have the ballot to elect such strong Republican candidates as Bill Cassidy, M. D., to the U. S. Senate and other worthy Republican candidates at all levels.
And hopefully and prayerfully our stable and robust democracy will follow-up with triumphant Republican victories in 2014 with such necessary victories in House, Senate and the Presidency in 2016. It can happen. It must happen, not only for the American people, but for the good of the world.
Life is not easy, “cool,” or straight-forward. It is full of twists and turns.