I have been following the many elections across the globe. The more I think about India’s election, the more I like it. As Prime Minister, Modi can and I think will, become a great leader, not only in India, but eventually with great respect globally.
The elections in the Ukraine are encouraging, too; the election of a billionaire who perhaps, hopefully and prayerfully, can’t be “bought” by President Putin.
In Egypt, it appears the “election” of a military authority was without legitimacy as far as genuine democracy.
In Europe, the whole continent (EU) is without direction and the people need the positive values of Copthorne MacDonald and need to shun his negative values – as we all do, but quite difficult there without the foundation of spiritual faith and religions.
A minimum wage law is a form of trickle down government that hurts the unskilled and uneducated poor the most – especially the young, who could work as interns until they gain the skills to rise to better paying levels.
Corporations, in essence, are people, groups of humans similar to other human entities.
The politics of negative values result in negative results, maybe not in terms of achieving election “victories,” but in terms of gaining wise, capable and honest leaders.
The decisive politics of President Obama and the Democrats has and is hurting America.
I support Bill Cassidy, M. D., for the U. S. Senate this year because our nation is in dire need of capable, honest and wise Republicans at all levels in 2014 (including Scott Walker in his re-election campaign as Governor of Wisconsin).
In 2016 we direly need more Republican victories, including the Presidency by Scott Walker.
Let’s address the negative values; hate, revenge, greed, envy and selfishness. Can you see how President Obama has used those bad values over and over again, especially for the 2012 elections?
He is trying to use them again in 2014 with the minimum wage. It sounds on the surface that it is a good thing to raise the pay of those on the bottom. But legislating economies is a very tricky thing. The truth about legislating a higher minimum wage is that it hurts many who are unskilled, particularly the young who may have little in the way of education. Businesses will tend to automate more and not hire as many of the unskilled as they would without this “raise.”
Of course, President Obama and the Democrats are fully aware of the real effects of a minimum wage increase. But they are pushing it to pretend that they are for the people on the bottom. If they were really for the people on the bottom, they wouldn’t be so anti-business and growth in our economy wouldn’t be so anemic.
Two key drivers of bad policy are:
· A corporate income tax that is about the highest in the developed world – that is extremely bad for the people on the bottom.
· Far too many regulations of all kinds. Again, that is terrible for the people on the bottom because it does so much damage to business formation, existence and growth. In other words, jobs and increases in pay.
Business is the engine of prosperity in all modern economies. Invigorated businesses
can and do employ more and more people at better and better rates of pay. Now that does not mean there can’t be dynamic and clear regulations with simple, low taxation that can be the tempering part of democracies.
Complex, arbitrary, unwise, ornery regulations are the enemy of prosperity – and especially those in the middle class and below.
The media helps and has helped President Obama and the Democrats to foster those unwise business regulations and tax laws.
Albert Einstein stated, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” I agree with that. But, the higher the platform of knowledge, the higher the greater the reach for imagination. Look at Albert Einstein. He had a lot of physics education. He did his “thought experiments” with his genius of mind. But he had the knowledge of his previous education to imagine his superb thoughts.
Truth is one of Copthorne MacDonald’s wisdom-associated values. Truth and honesty is a difficult path among those running for public office or those public servants already in office. Why? Because one is tempted to say what the immediate audience wants to hear – truthful or not.
The truth is that raising the minimum wage hurts the people at the bottom the most. Yet it appeals to liberals and so many who don’t understand the actual consequences of raising the minimum wage. Now President Obama understands the negative effects of raising the minimum wage. But he is – as usual – rallying around the political hay that he might make with this issue.
I’ve written before that President Obama is a superb political hack, but the American people must defeat his plots of politics in 2014. The stakes for our nation and the world are too high for us to let such tactics win.
It is crucial to America and the world that Republicans win at all levels in 2014 and 2016. It’s going to take Republicans at all levels to get our nation back on track.
I believe we can do it. It won’t be easy, not just the elections, but wise, competent, honest governing at all levels.
Like the song notes, “The world needs love, sweet love.” That does not mean “love” without values or foundational faith. It means a sort of enduring resilient type of love.
Things that come cheaply can and perhaps normally do end cheaply. Values and foundations of faith are important to behavior that is pleasing to God. The role of love in life cannot be overstated.