On our ultimate journey toward Heaven on Earth we must learn to shun selfishness. But the reality is—like most things in life—the difference between selfishness and self-preservation is a matter of degree, rather than some absolute.
We are each made of mind, body and a “little piece of God” (what others might call a soul). Taking care of ourselves is a solemn duty and responsibility—in all three of these areas. At the same time, we must be aware of others and avoid selfishness, which harms others. It sounds simple and the goal is quite comprehensible.
The practice of caring for oneself, and at the same time avoiding selfishness, is not easy. But, it is critical in our quest for Heaven on Earth. My advice is to think about what you really need for self-preservation. Contemplate this concept. Pray on it. Like all the other values—whether positive or negative—it is critical to be honest with oneself and to be aware of the balance between selfishness and legitimate self-care.